Monday, January 18, 2016

Generating Power: Bottom Up Not Top Down

One of the most common problems I see with students on a regular basis is the use of the upper body initiating the downswing. This is a common problem that is due in part to the fact that most golfers feel stronger and more powerful from the waits up rather than from the waist down.

The problem with this is more times than not when you start your downswing with the upper body, you end up with an outside in swing and we all know what that usually produces.....the dreaded slice! Timing is a key element of developing power and consistency and to get the most out of your swing we need to build a downswing that starts at ground level, literally.

Just like building a house, you don't start with the roof, you start with a solid foundation and your golf swing should as well. When your club hits the pinnacle of its backswing and its ready to start moving back to the ball, the first motion to trigger that downswing should be the lower body. From the feet to the legs, then hips, trunk (your midsection), and so on.

If you are a slicer or have other inconsistencies in your swing it may very well be how you are initiating your motion back to the ball.

For more information on how to to utilize the lower body properly visit me on YouTube The Downswing.

 Blog written by Vince Fratercangelo-Director of Instruction at VJF Golf Academy

Monday, January 11, 2016

Get It Up & Down From Green Side Rough

Most golfers know  that chipping (and putting) are parts of the game that can save you a ton of strokes or cost you a ton of strokes. Being efficient at getting up & down requires a lot of practice and the closer you are to the hole the more finesse is required to be successful. The nature of chipping means you have to develop an acquired "feel" and smoothness to the shot which can only be accomplished through doing and doing get the idea.

Now lets raise the stakes a bit! You miss the green and are sitting in green side rough, the difficulty of this shot has now been raised a few notches, depending on the thickness of the rough and how much your ball is sitting down in it requires extra precision just to get iit on the putting surface.

Enter the "Chop & Roll." I have been using and teaching this technique for many years and I can tell you that it is almost fool proof for getting on the green and giving yourself a shot at a putt. With some practice you can actually get rather accurate with this method but like anything it requires putting in the time. If done correctly it is a very high reward low risk shot.

Below is an illustration on how to perform this shot:

So next time you're in green side rough give it a try, you'll soon start saving strokes in places that use to cost you strokes!

 Blog written by Vince Fratercangelo-Director of Instruction at VJF Golf Academy