Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Better Putting Equals Lower Scores

By now, if you're a golfer you have probably heard this stat before; 70% of all shots made in a round of golf are from 100 yards or less. In addition, 40% of all those shots are putts....that's a large percentage! Yet why do a vast majority of golfers spend a majority (if not all) of their time on the range? Worse yet, a large majority of those people focus primarily on the driver. Again, the question is why. A driver is used  approximately 14 times per round (18 holes) and your putter at least double that.

As someone who works with players of all ability levels on a daily basis, the rule of thumb I preach to all my students is this; for every 30 minutes you spend on the range you spend that times two (30 min on range = 60 min on the green) on your putting. Think about it, if nothing about your game got better EXCEPT your putting you would instantly score better. So now, if you're with me and you have conceded the fact that putting truly is "where its at" the next step is how/what to practice. Below is a list of a few practice drills I suggest to help you start putting better and lowering you scores.

1. When making your putting stroke try and keep both your back swing and follow through equal distant. So if you bring the club back two feet, only follow through two feet and so on.

2. During your pre-shot routine take a few practice strokes looking at the hole, this will allow your eyes to gauge the distance and send a message to your arms as to how hard/soft your stroke needs to be to cover the distance to the hole.

3. A more advanced drill is practice putting while looking at the hole from various lengths. As you stroke the putt, keep your eyes fixed on the hole, this will quickly start to hone your distance control. I know you may be thinking how do I hit the ball if I'm not looking at it which is a valid question. However, the nature of a putting stroke which should keep the club head close to the ground will make it rather hard to miss the ball.

4. Spend a good 5 minutes putting from 4  to 7 inches from the hole...that's right gimmee distance. Why? Because the eyes get use to seeing the ball fall in the hole and the ears get use to hearing the ball fall in the hole and the mind gets use to those senses being stimulated in a positive way and it becomes contagious! Sounds silly I know but it works and you will soon be making many more of those "testers" we all hate standing over!

I could spend days talking about putting and the short game however these are a few of the drills and techniques I teach to my students while working on improving putting skills. So if your looking for a scoring edge (and who isn't) keep the driver in the bag and get to know your way around the practice green, you'll be glad you did!

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